Join us for Geshela’s summer retreat on Chandrakirti’s Middle Way.
The retreat fee is $750 which includes retreat materials, lunch, and refreshments. Accommodation available for extra cost.
If you would like to pay via bank, please write to us.
If you would like to register online, please get the following ticket. The ticket fee includes PayPal online transaction fees.
To learn more and ask anything, please let us know.
January 10th to January 19th
Based on the text Introduction to the Middle Way composed by the famous Indian scholar pandit Chandrakirti.
Begins on Friday Jan 10th with Guru Puja at 6pm, and finishes on Sunday January 19th at lunchtime.
Cost is $750 including refreshments, lunch and all text materials. Accommodation is available for an extra cost please inquire. All warmly welcome bookings essential
We are very pleased to welcome Mr Losang Dawa from Dunedin, as the interpreter for the teaching.
Example Daily Timetable7am – 8am meditationBreakfast9.30 – 10.30am teaching/meditationBreak11am – 12noon teaching/meditationLunch2pm – 3pm teaching /meditationBreak3.30 – 4.30 teaching/meditationDinner6.30 – 7.30 meditation/prayers